Many sites with different serving purposes are being created in the United States. These sites also target their audiences by creating content according to their age and needs. But there are other websites whose purpose is still unknown.

This article will examine a website to assess its functionality. We also haven’t been able to find Whywasshesad com details, but have a few clues from

Facts About The Portal

After researching the website, it seems that it may be under construction. The site has been advertised as being coming soon via the Internet. A similar site was also found at You will find clouds floating on the screen.

After clicking the clouds, they disappear one at a while. Thus, it seems like a game designed to relieve stress and tension in a person’s lives.

Several Additional Clues

To identify these important checkpoints, we will examine them further. Let’s continue to study this site.

According to our research, the domain for the website was created on the 5th of December 2021. This will end on the 5th of December 2022. We also discovered that the site has not received any user feedback or insights via Trustpilot or any other online review website.

The Alexa rank for this site is not currently available. However, the trust rank of this site and its trust score are very low. They are 23.5/100 & 1%, respectively.


The is still under construction. Therefore, we are unable to provide more information. These are just a few suggestions.

This site is emerging as an online game. To verify the site’s life history, we also found the records.