When you’re working, and have just started working at this job, you don’t know a lot about the company where the files or kept or things like this. You’re told that you’ll be working in a team which is a very new concept for you as you’ve been working alone your whole life. You believe that going solo is the best option, but your manager is hell-bent on putting you in a team. You have no other choice but to work in the team, so you take it. You wonder how it feels to be working in a team. Extroverts are very comfortable when it comes to working in a team as they interact with everyone and they don’t get awkward. But when it comes to introverts, they like their personal space and like working alone, but working in a team is practically easier as the weight on your shoulders gets divided and you can finish the given task on time. Even in schools, team building for students is essential.

So why is it better to work as a team?

  • Working as a team will help you collaborate more often and brainstorm major ideas for a school project or even at your workspace. This results in new ideas, and productivity and creativity increase. You grow as an individual in an area outside your comfort zone.
  • When solving a problem, sometimes it gets so out of hand that having a group of people you trust inside out is needed. They might help you resolve the problem or could even help you find a meaningful solution to the problem.
  • Everyone has different ways of thinking and solving problems, and this could be an angle that you wouldn’t ever have thought of before. The new angle could solve your problems or increase them too, but it’s worth a try, isn’t it? So go for it. 
  • You start communicating more and come out of your comfort bubble learning new things each day and growing with the team not just as an individual but also as a team altogether. Talking to each other might resolve misunderstandings and strengthen your connections inside the company.
  • Sometimes making a big decision related to the company could be a serious thing, and you won’t be able to do it on your own at this time; your team will be the only people who’ll be able to help get through it and make the right decision.
  • As a team leader or even just being a team member, there is so much to learn, and you learn leadership qualities along with managing a group of people who could be unruly or the most agreeable people.
  • When there is an immense workload, the work gets divided equally among all of your team members, and everyone might be able to complete the work on time, and they might even be able to help each other if anyone hasn’t been able to cope with the work.

Of course, it won’t be easy to just fit into a team when you’ve been solo all your life, so give it some time and let the process take you. Team building is essential for a companies growth, so when you plan to hire new people in a company, try to team them up with seniors who will be helpful enough to teach them something. If you need any help hiring new individuals, make you talk to your team, and they’ll be able to help you out. Step out of your comfort zone and help others as much as you can because if not now, then when?