“Unlike other marketing methods like paid advertising, social media advertising, public relations, etc. search engine optimization wholly depends on organic growth. Search engines cannot be paid to achieve higher organic search rankings. Hence, this is where strategies like crypto content marketing for local SEO come into play.”

Quotes Karsha, CEO and Co-Founder at CloutX, a leading Crypto Marketing boutique.

What is Search Engine Optimization (SEO)?

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a process for improving online visibility and making your website or piece of content rank higher on the search result page. The more visibility you have, the better the chances of you attracting more attention along with higher conversion rates.

Search engines like Google, Yahoo, and Bing use bots that crawl webpages at frequent time intervals collecting information and putting it on the index. The index is what is visible to people when they trying to find any information. A lot of other factors like keywords, algorithms, etc. also help determine the ranking and appearance in the search result.

What is Content Marketing?

Content marketing is a marketing strategy used to attract, connect, and retain audience. This is done by making relevant content like blog posts, newsletters, posters, infographics, podcasts, videos, etc. The content is not only responsible for creating your brand awareness and building trust with your customers but also for educating them. 

Consistent crypto content marketing will make your content rank higher and increase the possibility of your customers choosing you when it’s time to make the final decision and buy a product/service. Some of the things to keep in mind while doing crypto content marketing are:

  • Knowing your audience
  • Creating content that caters to the needs of your audience
  • Being consistent with content posting
  • Choosing interactive distributing platforms
  • Writing, editing, and proofreading content properly before publishing

Benefits of SEO and Crypto Content Marketing

There are numerous benefits of fostering a strong relationship between SEO and content marketing. Some of the benefits are:

  • Growth in organic site traffic
  • Higher conversion rates
  • Educating and informing your customers
  • Increasing online visibility of business
  • Growth in lead generation
  • High social media engagement and traction
  • Building brand awareness
  • Building a trustworthy relationship with the customers

Relationship Between SEO and Crypto Content Marketing

Imagine this. You are running a women’s apparel website and trying to attract the attention of young girls and women in your city. For the same, you decide to write a new article for your business. You spend hours planning it and structuring it. 

After a day or two finally, you create a compelling piece of article and after various rounds of editing and proofreading, you finally publish it on your website. You are now waiting for your article to blow up and traffic to start pouring onto your website. You wait and wait but this doesn’t happen. Your article falls flat, and your website hardly has new visitors.

This is like a nightmare for all business owners but surprisingly this situation happens all the time and will continue to happen if you do not do something about it soon. The problem here is not the quality of the content but the insufficient marketing of it. This is where content marketing and search engine optimization come into play.

Image Alt Text: Crypto content marketing strategy at CloutX

In the highly digital world, where everyone goes online to find information about everything big or small, it has become very important for businesses to build an online presence. Techniques like Search Engine Optimization helps businesses in doing the same. 

Crypto content marketing in turn helps search engine optimization techniques to grow and bring in great results. Hence, it has become very clear that SEO and content marketing share an intimate relationship and benefit from each other. But for the relationship to foster and grow organically, you must make sure you are doing both the right way. 

As a business owner, big or small, you need to learn to drive your revenue with both SEO and crypto content marketing:

  • Know Your Audience

You can only effectively engage in SEO and content marketing if you know your target audience. For instance, if you are a women’s fashion business, your content must be directed toward women and their requirements. 

Your business/product needs to understand who it is catering to and create for that target audience. If you do not have an identified persona of your target audience, you will not be able to create enough value for them.  It is rightly said, when you are trying to create for everyone, you are creating for absolutely no one.

  • Ask yourself these questions while trying to identify your audience:
  • What age group does my audience belong to?
  • What geographical location and time zone do they live in?
  • What language do they speak?
  • What is their average income?
  • What are their spending patterns?
  • What are the common personality types in your target audience group?
  • Are there pain points you need to cater specifically to and stay away from?
  • Are they technologically equipped?
  • Keywords

Keywords are the words or phrases people use while finding information on the web. These special words are one of the main components of SEO and content marketing as they will help your content rank higher on search engine result pages (SERP).

Using keywords effectively in a piece of content is also important. You cannot just stuff keywords and hope for SEO to work. You must optimize the content with keywords in a balanced manner without force-feeding information to your readers. 

Repeating keywords too often in a piece of content can also hurt the search engine optimization process. Try to mention the primary keywords in the title and introduction. You can secondary keywords anywhere in the main body and conclusion.

Sometimes finding the right keywords can also be challenging. While hunting for keywords, make sure you see what your competitors are writing. Try to use the same words to divert the traffic toward your website. You can also use various online tools to find keywords. Google Keywords Planner, for instance, is a keyword analysis tool that allows you to find the keyword and analyze the most popular keywords by showing you their search volume, competition value, etc.

  • Quality Content

The relationship between search engine optimization (SEO) and content marketing highly depends on the quality of your content and its uniqueness. Online market is growing exponentially, and the competition is intense. To stand out amongst your competitors, you must add some real value to the lives of your customers. Unique and great quality content will allow you to generate traffic and build a long-lasting relationship with your customers.

Also, remember to update your content regularly based on what is new in the market. Insert high-quality backlinks in your articles to garner attention. You can also experiment with creative visuals like infographics, memes, and GIFs to allow your customers to remember you.

Another important part of quality content is catchy and attention-seeking titles. Ensure the title carries the primary keyword so that people can easily find what they are interested in reading. Do not make the titles too lengthy, they should be adequately framed in length. Use other relevant headings also in the content to make it look organized and engaging.

  • Link Building

Ensure you use a lot of internal and external links in your content to ensure high-quality SEO. Link building, in the long run, will result in other external websites also linking back to you. It is a great way to garner organic traffic and ranking. However, keep in mind natural and free links matter much more than paid links.

  • Measure the Growth

It is important to put in hard work to foster a great relationship between SEO and content marketing for the benefit of your business. However, another equally important task is measuring the growth and effects of all your hard work. If you will not analyze what is working the best for your business and what is not, you will not be able to run an effective marketing strategy. Take note of all the things, big or small, and use this data while revising your strategy.

There are various online ‘analytical tools’ available as well which you can use to monitor your traffic, views, bounce rates, loading time, and much more. Keeping a check of your growth which give you a clear picture of what you are lacking and what are your strengths.

Final Thoughts  

Image Alt Text: CloutX, a leading content marketing boutique for crypto and other projects.

It can be difficult to build an online presence if you cannot maintain and foster a good relationship between SEO and content marketing. You must utilize both individually and in tandem with each other to see organic high ranking and growth.

However, if you are still confused about what is the relationship between SEO and content marketing, you can hire some SEO content marketing services like CloutX. With a meagre investment starting from just $500, you can get a SEO content marketing strategy curated from the experts at CloutX.

Currently, CloutX markets from imminent names from the crypto space. These include CoinShift, The Harvest, XR Couture, Warped Labs and Revise, among other names. For more information you can visit their website – https://cloutext.com/ to learn more.