When we buy sunscreen, we must also see Which cream has SPF and how much PA? Another thing to know. And equally important is The type of sunscreen we use, Which can be divided into two main types, namely Physical and Chemical, both of which have a creamy texture. And different methods of sun protection. Therefore, if using sunscreen for maximum efficiency, we should know that both sunscreens have their characteristics. And advantages and disadvantages. What’s the difference

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Physical sunscreen:

This type of sunscreen is mainly composed of minerals. Helps prevent UV rays from sunlight by way of reflection. When we apply a physical sunscreen, this type of sunscreen is coated on the skin. After being exposed to sunlight, it will reflect UV rays from the skin.

There are two types of substances in physical sunscreens.

  1. Zinc Oxide acts as adequate protection against UV rays. It can protect against both UVB and all UVA rays.
  2. Titanium Dioxide. This substance blocks UVB rays, including some UVA (UVA-I).

Strength & Weakness:

  • Protects against both UVA and UVB rays.
  • After applying, you don’t have to wait to be in the sun.
  • Lasts longer before reapplying (But it’s easier to peel off when exposed to sweat or water).
  • less chance of losing, So it will suit sensitive skin.
  • Better for people with heat-sensitive skin (because it uses the principle of reflecting light and heat away).
  • ess chance of clogging, therefore suitable for people with acne-prone
  • Easy to come off when sweating or getting in the water, So you need to reapply it often when using it.
  • You can see the white stain. Mainly if applied to yellow or tanned skin.
  • The texture of the cream is quite thick and unsuitable when applying makeup.
  • The texture of the cream is more difficult to spread.
  • Some people are allergic to Titanium dioxide, which can cause acne.
  • Required in large quantities, And there is a high chance that some points are not protected. This allows UV rays to penetrate through the gaps between sunscreen molecules.

Because physical sunscreens have the advantage that they are not allergic, there is a problem with white stains. Nano-physical sunscreens were invented to solve this problem by making Zinc Oxide and Titanium Dioxide smaller than 200 nm, making white colors less visible. Both of these are smaller. Can these two substances penetrate the skin to the bloodstream or not? Therefore, it is debatable whether this Nano Physical Sunscreen is 100% safe or not.

This sunscreen protects your skin from the sun’s rays by absorbing UV rays and releasing them in the form of heat. Not reflecting, and when applied, it cannot be sun-protected immediately, But it takes 20-30 minutes to wait for adequate sun protection. As for the substances in this type of sunscreen, there are more than physical sunscreens because some substances can’t protect against UVB and UVA light, so they must contain many substances. to achieve good performance in sun protection

  • Light texture, easy to spread, easy to apply, suitable for general use.
  • Use a smaller amount than physical sunscreens, and there is no risk of UV rays entering like physical.
  • It is easier to add other ingredients to the mixture than physical ones, so this type of sunscreen often has other advantages besides sun protection.
  • Since this type of sunscreen requires a method to release heat, there is a chance that the dark spots on the face are likely to darken. It also has an opportunity to make your skin more sensitive to redness.
  • Wait at least 20 minutes for the chemical to set before entering the sun.
  • More likely to be irritated than physical, especially those with dry skin or people with sensitive skin, because there are more chemicals
  • The higher the SPF, the more easily irritated.
  • The more intense the sun, The more often you have to reapply.
  • More likely to clog pores, therefore not suitable for oily-skinned people.

After all, the best sunscreen It’s not a cream that is believed to be good, but it’s a sunscreen that is suitable for your skin type. And each person’s life, so if we understand the difference between each sunscreen. We will choose the sunscreen that is most suitable for our skin.