Some people have a limited understanding of virtual reality, while others have limited or no experience with the gadgets that help them get immersed in this technology. Many people struggle with the most common virtual reality terminology and concepts.

This is why we have produced this beginner’s guide that covers the basics. We will delve into explaining the common concepts of VR, common terminology an s well as the common gadgets that you would get in the market today. So you know where to start from.

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What is virtual reality?

Virtual reality or VR is a technological invention that makes human beings immersed in a fictitious environment. Virtual reality is always delivered through diverse methods and among them is hardware that is won in the head. The headsets that are used in virtual reality can track every movement that you make, and so the image that is visible to you adjusts automatically. But some of these headsets track more movements when compared to others.

In the majority of the instances, VR experiences allow for a technique of selecting or controlling things that appear within the simulated environment.  In some instances, you gave a handheld controller that allows you to exercise amazing control of some aspects of the experience in most instances, how the objects that lie in your area of coverage are manipulated looks like what’s happening in the real world.

Basic concepts and terminology

Here are the basic terminologies that are used in virtual reality.

1. Field of View

This is what you can see at any given time when you are wearing the virtual reality headset or goggles. The type of VR headsets or other hardware offers a small field of view than what you would see with your normal eyes. This means that the field of view which virtual reality offers is smaller than what you would see with your normal eyes.

2. Degrees of freedom

Degrees of freedom is the ability of your headset to track your physical movements and have them simulated in the virtual reality environment. Concerning this, the most common readings that you will see are 3DoF and 6DoF, which in short means three and six degrees of freedom respectively.

3. Tracking types

Every virtual reality headset requires a method of tracking the movements that the wearer of the system makes.  The most common tracking is the “Inside Out”, which uses the cameras that are built into the headset to track the movements from inside of the headset out.

4. Controllers

Every headset such as Oculus Quest has a controller that allows the user to interact with the simulated environment. However, you should get accessories that help keep it charged.  Get an Oculus Quest charger and ensure that your hardware has enough charge to help you use it for longer.

5. Movement in VR

This refers to the diverse movement types that users of VR headsets can adopt. Sometimes, this can make them nauseated.

6. IPD

This refers to the distance between the two pupils of your eye. There are a few headsets that allow you to adjust the distance between your eye pupils.

Types of VR

You should know that there are many kinds of VR equipment and among them are standalone VR, PC VR, and console VR among others.