Are you looking to find a simulation that features a variety of unique features through the collection of gems. Keep reading this article to find out more information on the subject.

gamers around the world are excited about this rare chance to upgrade their gaming characters in order to progress and beat other online players. More gems give gamers more technical advantages over those with less. Read more about Price List Pet Simulator X.

About Pet Simulator X

Pet Simulator X, also called PSX, is a series based around the pet simulation genre. It is entirely about gamers collecting coins and gems to unlock pets with high potential. The coin can be used for biomes to buy new pets and hatch them.

You must collect more pets to help you advance and increase your ranking. As the player progresses, new worlds are also unlocked. The new world allows the player to enjoy a variety gaming mechanics and features.

Pet Simulator Value List X

  • According to data, Pet Simulator X’s worth list is broken into three main categories. These are 5 billion gems and 25 billion gems. 50 billion gems.
  • The largest Pet with the most gems is Huge Cat. It has over 100 billion gems.
  • Another highly valuable pet is the Huge PumpkinCat, with an estimated value of more than 100 billion gems.
  • Dominus Astra with 25 billion gems is another extremely valuable pet.
  • Gamers who have more valuable pets tends to make more gaming progress.

Dogs under Fifty Billion Jewels

Below are the names and addresses of the Val List Pet Simulator.

  • Wicked Angulus: 13B.
  • Electric slime: 18B
  • Og doge: 16B
  • Storm Dragon 19B
  • RB Signature Big Maskot: 16B
  • Blue Big Maskot: 17B
  • Dominus Astra is 25B. Dominus Anstra is the third-most valuable pet.
  • Storm Wolf 21B
  • Galaxy Dragon 16B
  • Domortuus Astra: 18B
  • Empyrian Agony – 15B
  • Nebula Dragon:18B
  • Galaxy Pegasus:18B
  • Dominus Darkwing – 20B
  • 19B Chest Mimic:

Animals for Pets Less Than Twenty-five Golds

  • Sock Cat 4.5B
  • Stacked Doge Noob, 5.5B
  • Sock Corgi – 5B
  • Blob Fish 15B
  • Sad Cat 10B
  • Noobortuus: 9B
  • Nyan Cat: 9B
  • Mushroom King – 12B
  • Sock Monkey: 9B
  • Guest Noob, 9B. See ValueList Pet SimulatorX.
  • Hell Chest Mic:8B.

Cats Below Five Gems

  • Sea Dragons have a value of 1.8 billion gems. The least valuable Pets, sea dragons, are available.
  • Yee Haw Cat can be valued at 2 billion gems.
  • Pterodactyls, Grumpy Cats, and Grumpy Cat each have 4 billion gems.
  • Blobstein, Lava Scorpion, and Blobstein each have 2.5 million gems.


Young gamers are more likely to play online simulation games because they offer real gameplay and relaxation.