The renowned American streaming sensation Rachell “Valkyrae” Hofstetter has spent the past two years smashing records after another. After a few months of being the Co-Host of 100 Thieves the 29-year old announced that she is co-founder of RFLCT. co-founder and founder of the RFLCT brand, which is a line of products for skin that are specifically designed to fight blue light pollution for people who work for a long time in front of a screen.
A portion of the population has praised this American streamer for her work. However, some feel that it’s a scam and a solution for an issue that isn’t there.
Many have even claimed that her creation is profiting from the young and enthralled audience. The streamer has been accused for selling false science and selling a product that renders the users feel vulnerable.
Valkyrae shows the ways in which RFLCT is available to anyone
The Content Creator of the Year been clear about her position regarding how she’d like to be more involved in the community. She has repeatedly stated on occasions that she would like to participate in larger projects and contribute an even greater amount of time to community and she doesn’t want to limit her role to that of an established streamer.
Hofstetter has spoken about how she sympathizes with people who suffer similar to her, who have to work for a long time in front of a screen in this ever-growing digital age.
To counteract its negative consequences the RFLCT was introduced as a single-stop solution. This is what she told us:
The product range offered by the Rae’s brand comprises the following items:
- Aura Reset Facial Gel Cleanser ($18)
- Screen Shield Moisturizer for Defense Face ($24)
- Eye Revive Gel Treatment ($20)
- The Reserruction Mask for Eyes ($24)
- Lip Guard Moisture Balm ($12)
The website also has an affordable combo-pack of $20 which includes three products: Gel Cleanser, Face Moisturizer and The eye Revive Gel. Unfortunately, the items are available only in the US at the moment.
But, she has big plans to extend the distribution of her skincare products to different regions of the globe, as soon as her venture gets underway.