
The seventh version of BzMiner, v7, introduced support for alephium mining. If you want to mine Alephium, this article will show you how to do so with BzMiner.

BzMiner supports both the stratum and alphstratum network protocols for Alephium. The “alphstratum” protocol is needed for either solo mining to a complete node or mining to devgent. While BzMiner will make an effort to select the proper protocol, it is possible that this will not always be the case.

Command Line Interface:

To get started, go here to get the newest version of bzminer. The data inside the archive must be extracted.

Alephium can be mined using bzminer, and a starting point is provided in a reference script (alph.bat for Windows or for Linux).

bzminer -a alph -w 000000 000000 000000 000000 -p stratum+tcp://yourpool

  • Keeping the same sequence, replace each 000000 with your mining wallet.
  • if you wish to mine to a pool, change yourpool to the address and port of that pool.
  • When it comes to mining pools, there is a wide variety of requirements and policies.

bzminer -a alph -w 000000 000000 000000 000000 -p stratum+tcp://


To get started, go here to get the newest version of bzminer. The data inside the archive must be extracted.

You need a text file named config.txt. To find the pool configs section, open the file and scroll to the very top.

There have to be a couple of pre-made pool configuration exemplars there already. You may start mining by editing the first template and changing the algorithm to alph, the wallet to your wallet, and the url to the pool you want to mine to with a json array or a string containing the wallet addresses separated by commas or spaces.

{    “pool_configs”: [{            “algorithm”: “alph”,            “wallet”: [“00000”, “00000”, “00000”, “00000”], // replace 0000 with your own wallet addresses            “url”: [“stratum+tcp://”], // replace with the pool you wish to mine to. Add multiple pools for failsafe when a pool fails            “username”: “worker_name”,            “lhr_only”: false        }],    “pool”: [0], // pool config you wish to use by default when device_overrides does not specify    “rig_name”: “rig”,    “log_file”: “”,    “nvidia_only”: false,    “amd_only”: false,    “auto_detect_lhr”: true,    “lock_config”: false,    “advanced_config”: false,    “advanced_display_config”: false,    “device_overrides”: []}

Config arguments in Hive:

The Extra config arguments: box in the BzMiner settings window can be used to specify values for Hive’s config.txt file.

You can enter the arguments here just like you would in the config.txt file.

For three devices, for instance, you would do the oc like this:

To go around the fact that the hives interface doesn’t permit valid json arrays as the values, version 8.0.0 of BzMiner allows oc_ parameters to be strings of json arrays.

“oc_fan_speed”: “[-1, 80, 0]””oc_power_limit”: “[0, 250, 0]””oc_core_clock_offset”: “[100, 200, 100]””oc_memory_clock_offset”: “[0, 0, 0]””oc_lock_core_clock”: “[0, 0, 0]””oc_lock_memory_clock”: “[810, 0, 810]”

Manually upgrading to the most recent version of Hive:

To begin, download the most recent version of Hive OS by following the instructions up top (currently v).

Invoke this command on your Hive machine:

rm -f /tmp/*; cd /tmp; wget{version_you_want}_linux.tar.gz; tar -xvf bzminer_v{version_you_want}_linux.tar.gz; miner stop; cp bzminer_v{version_you_want}_linux/bzminer /hive/miners/bzminer/{version_on_hive}/; miner start

If you want to update to a different version, replace “version you want” with the name of the newer version, and “version on hive” with the name of the version you’re using right now on your flight sheet on Hive.

Example (you need v10.0.4, but hive only has v10.0.2):

rm -f /tmp/*; cd /tmp; wget; tar -xvf bzminer_v10.0.4_linux.tar.gz; miner stop; cp bzminer_v10.0.4_linux/bzminer /hive/miners/bzminer/10.0.2/; miner start

Solo Mining:

To get started, you should first run the complete node from this link.

  • To get BzMiner running, just use any of the preceding steps and replace the pool url with the IP address of your complete node and the port number 10973.
  • Use alphstratum+tcp:/ to connect to the entire node, which operates on the alphstratum protocol.
  • Use the ip address if you’re mining on the same machine as the complete node.
  • Example of a Command Line:
  • The command is: bzminer -a alph -w 000000 000000 000000 000000 -p alphstratum+tcp:/
  • If you want to mine from a distant computer (where BzMiner is not installed), you’ll need to add the line to the whole node configuration that says “allow outside connections.”
  • It is recommended to set alephium.mining.api-interface = “”.
  • and the complete node configuration file. Then, on the remote computer, enter the IP address of the machine hosting the complete node.