Do buyers want to buy products for all types men in clothing, such as T-shirts and hoodies? Blientele stores are located in the United States. They offer many different products. We offer sales discounts at our store. Navigate to the search area and click on the products to be added to your cart.

This report will provide you with information about the legitimacy and policies of the website.

A brief description of Blienteleshop

Shopify powers the online shop Blienteleshop. It sells stylish clothes for men, including printed hoodies and Sportswear T-shirts. All the items on Blientele are out of stock. They may launch their products soon so customers can buy the clothes. Let’s take a look at their collection:

  • Catalogue
  • Combo T-shirt
  • Wall frames
  • WWE Tshirts

Is Blientele com Legit? The trendy Blientele shop has a wide range of clothing products. This site is not legitimate and we are unable to trust it. We’ll explain how it works, including the features and negative points, so you can decide if it is real or fake.

Features at Blienteleshop

  • Buy sportswear from
  • Email address is not found
  • Address detail not found
  • It is not possible to find contact information for Blientele.
  • According to our analysis, there aren’t any reviews as no online sites have shared Reviews.
  • No exchange policy.
  • No refunds
  • Shipping Policy
  • International policy: It is against the law to owe money; please contact your selected courier if your items are still on track.
  • Payment modes: Discover, apple pay, G pay, master card, Visa, Shopify pay, etc.

Result positive

  • Shipping available worldwide
  • Affordable price
  • Fixed payments


  • We do not have email or company addresses.
  • There are no social networks that I found.
  • Not available for location and mobile number

Is Blientele com Legit?

Blientele offers clothing. According to research, many people have difficulties placing orders. So that fraudsters don’t scam you, we advise you to carefully go over the details. Please review the following details:

  • Trust Rating . The trust rate for Blientele’s is 25%. This score is considered a low-trust index score.
  • Domainlife: It has 16 years of age. March 3, 2006, is the blientele date.
  • Social media access Not created any social networks accounts.
  • Customer Reviews has no reviews or accounts.
  • Privacy statement Policies, such as Cancellation, Return and Exchange policy, Cancellation policy, Cancellation policy International, Shipping policy, Payment methods, etc. are all available to be reviewed. You can view their policies to see if they are still relevant.
  • HTMLS Safety – The blientele site transfers the data safely via HTTPS protocol. This would however not mean that you can get a warranty.
  • Missing Data : This is missing the location and mobile no. These data are not on the official website.
  • Web Registrar Blientele was registered by MarkMonitor Inc.
  • Company authority Name The company’s name was Shopify Inc.

Blientele com Reviews

This site has not set up any social networks like FB, Instagram or Twitter. The official website does not have ratings and reviews. This could be a scam, or fake because online review sites have never shared ratings. Even this website did not share the owner’s email and mobile number or details about their location. Alexa has given this website a poor rating. This means it has little social or online appeal.

Final summaries

Finally, reviews summarised content. Although the trust index is low, life expectancy information is very well illustrated. It has a low trust score of 16. We don’t recommend this because of the lack of reviews.