As social media continues to play a significant role in our daily lives, it’s essential to take steps to protect our online identity. Twitter, one of the most popular social media platforms, can leave private information vulnerable if not safeguarded correctly. In this article, I’ll discuss why Twitter privacy is important, what information Twitter collects, and share ten tips to help you safeguard your Twitter privacy.

Why is Twitter privacy important?

Twitter privacy is crucial for several reasons. First, your Twitter account may contain personal information that you don’t want to be shared publicly, such as your full name, location, or phone number. Second, hackers may try to access your account to steal your information, impersonate you, or use your account to send spam or phishing messages to your followers. Third, Twitter may use your data for advertising purposes, which can lead to unwanted ads or other marketing tactics.

To safeguard your Twitter privacy, it’s essential to take proactive measures to protect your account.

What information does Twitter collect?

Twitter collects various types of data, including your name, email address, phone number, IP address, and device information. They also track your activity on the platform, such as your tweets, retweets, and likes. Twitter may use this information to personalize your experience, show relevant ads, or improve their services. However, it’s important to note that Twitter does not sell your data to third-party advertisers.

Now let’s dive into ten tips to help you safeguard your Twitter privacy.

Tips to safeguard your Twitter privacy

1. Use Twitter Circle

If you want to improve your privacy on Twitter, how to create a Twitter Circle via Chirpty.  Twitter circle is a feature that allows you to create a private group of up to 20 Twitter accounts. In addition to privacy, Here are some other benefits of using Twitter circle:

  • Limited visibility: Twitter circle allows you to communicate privately with a select group of people without having your conversations visible to the public. This can be especially useful for sensitive or private conversations that you don’t want to be seen by others.
  • Better organization: Twitter circle allows you to organize your Twitter feed by grouping together accounts that are relevant to you. This can make it easier to keep up with the tweets of people you are interested in, without having to sift through a cluttered timeline.
  • Enhanced engagement: Twitter circle can help facilitate more focused and meaningful conversations with a smaller group of people, as opposed to broadcasting messages to a large and diverse audience. This can lead to more engagement and interaction among members of the circle.
  • Improved networking: Twitter circle can be a useful tool for networking and building relationships with people who share common interests or professional goals. By creating a circle of like-minded individuals, you can exchange ideas and information more easily, and potentially develop new connections and opportunities.

Overall, Twitter circle can be a valuable feature for individuals and businesses looking to connect with others in a more private and focused way, and can help facilitate more meaningful engagement and networking on the platform.

2. Control How Others Can Find You

Controlling how others can find you on Twitter can have several benefits, including:

  • Protecting your privacy: By limiting how others can find you on Twitter, you can protect your personal information and reduce the risk of unwanted attention from strangers or online harassment.
  • Controlling your online presence: By controlling how others can find you on Twitter, you can manage your online reputation and ensure that only the information you want to share is visible to others.
  • Reducing spam and unwanted messages: By limiting who can find you on Twitter, you can reduce the amount of spam and unwanted messages you receive, and ensure that only relevant and meaningful interactions are taking place.
  • Improving your experience on Twitter: By controlling how others can find you on Twitter, you can tailor your experience on the platform to your preferences, and ensure that you are only engaging with the people and content that are most valuable to you.

Overall, controlling how others can find you on Twitter can help you protect your privacy, manage your online reputation, and improve your overall experience on the platform. By taking advantage of the various privacy settings available on Twitter, you can customize your experience to meet your needs and preferences.

3. Use a strong password

The first step to securing your Twitter account is to use a strong password. Avoid using simple or common passwords, such as “123456” or “password.” Instead, create a unique password that includes a combination of upper and lower-case letters, symbols, and numbers. Also, avoid using the same password for multiple accounts.

4. Two-factor authentication

Two-factor authentication (2FA) is an extra layer of security that requires a code in addition to your password to access your account. This code is usually sent to your phone or email, and it helps prevent unauthorized access to your account. Enabling 2FA can significantly reduce the risk of your account being hacked.

5. Manage your privacy settings

Twitter allows you to manage your privacy settings to control who can see your tweets, follow you, or send you direct messages. You can choose to make your account public or private, which means only your approved followers can see your tweets. You can also limit who can tag you in photos, see your location data, or find you using your phone number or email address.

6. Be mindful of third-party apps

Third-party apps may have access to your Twitter account, which can put your private information at risk. Before granting access to a third-party app, read their privacy policy and ensure they have a good reputation. You can also revoke access to any third-party apps that you no longer use.

7. Regularly review your followers and block unwanted accounts

Regularly reviewing your followers list can help you identify and block unwanted accounts that may be spam or bots. You can also use Twitter’s mute feature to hide tweets from specific accounts without unfollowing them.

8. Avoid sharing sensitive information

Avoid sharing sensitive information on Twitter, such as your home address, phone number, or financial information. This information can be used by hackers to steal your identity, access your accounts, or commit fraud.

9. Be cautious of public Wi-Fi

When accessing Twitter on public Wi-Fi, be cautious of potential security risks. Public Wi-Fi networks are often unsecured, which means hackers can easily intercept your data. Consider using a virtual private network (VPN) to encrypt your connection and protect your sensitive information.

10. Educate yourself on Twitter’s policies

It’s essential to familiarize yourself with Twitter’s policies to understand how your data is collected and used. Twitter’s privacy policy outlines how they collect and use your data, as well as the measures they take to protect your privacy.

11. Regularly update your Twitter app

Regularly updating your Twitter app can help reduce the risk of security vulnerabilities. Updates often include bug fixes and security patches that can help protect your account from potential threats.

12. Use a secure browser

Using a secure browser can help protect your Twitter account from malware or phishing attacks. Consider using a browser extension that blocks ads and trackers, or one that alerts you if a website is known to be malicious.


Protecting your online identity is crucial in today’s digital age. By following these ten tips, you can take proactive measures to safeguard your Twitter privacy. Remember to use a strong password, enable 2FA, manage your privacy settings, be mindful of third-party apps, regularly review your followers, avoid sharing sensitive information, be cautious of public Wi-Fi, educate yourself on Twitter’s policies, regularly update your Twitter app, and use a secure browser. By taking these steps, you can enjoy using Twitter while keeping your private information safe and secure.