Are you tired with your hectic schedule? Do you desire some more leisure time? But, some of the activities are only for fun. It may also appeal to children. Many viewers Worldwide are always on the lookout for new and entertaining activities online. While some may be sensible, others are fun and can make your day. So let’s look at scrolling text time waster

What do you think Patorjk’s scrolling is doing to your time?

Patorjk offers many activities that allow users to have fun while also making a profit. Patorjk offers a Scrolling Time Waster webpage as an example. It displays text that changes colours, shapes, and moves differently as you scroll.

Scroll down until the end of this scrolling webpage, and then look for a blank space. You can type any text in this field and click the Again! Again! Say! tab. As a consequence, you can view your entered text in Text Time Waster scrolling. You can also change colours, moves, size and design. It is a great activity for those who just want to have fun online.


  • Domain details – Patorjk’s domain was created January 26, 1999. Its domain is It is 23-years-old and 66-days old.
  • Trust score – Patorjk trust score is 100
  • Patorjk’s rank at Patorjk was 62.6/100. It is good.
  • SocialMedia Profiles – Twitter.

Patorjk has received a trust rating and gained popularity.

Scrolling Text EU Te Amo Para Copiar:

Scrolling Text Time Waster also allows for text to be entered in Spanish.

More information about Patorjk.

Patorjk also provides many games like Snake, Sliders Puzzles, 179 Ways of Annoying People and Arial ASCII Art. Scrolling Text is Time Waster is the most requested activity. It offers many visualizations including Space Dust (Nutrition Calculator), Game of Throne Character Appearance and Computer Science Salaries. Its Scrolling Type I Love you Too has been a popular activity.

Patorjk provides the following apps through its official portal.

  • Years spent watching YouTube
  • Social Media Showdown
  • Typing Speed Test Text to ASCII Art Generic
  • Fader for text colours
  • Filters for Old School Gaming
  • Keyboard Layout Analyzer
  • Gradient Image Generator, etc.


Patorjk, an online platform which has been in existence for 23 years, offers many different games, apps, misc., and visualizations. Patorjk’s many years of experience have earned it a high level of praise. Many users are involved in its unique activities, such as the Scrolling Code Time Waster