Death by accident of Russian lathe.
Are you interested in checking all the precise details related to the death of the Russian Lathe? If yes, we suggest you read this video, Death by accident of Russian lathe.
After reviewing the entire video, you will get a better idea about the accident that happened in the past.
This video talks about the news of the death of a person who died in an accident.
Cameron Minshull, a 16-year-old boy, was dragged into the steel cutting machine and died in one of the “horrible” accidents of the past. A businessman was imprisoned for eight months after the death of a child who was trapped in a factory lathe while undergoing a government-funded apprenticeship.
The apprentice, who was paid £ 3 an hour, was employed by ZaffarHussain, 59, at Huntley Mount Engineering Limited. Cameron died due to a serious head injury on January 8, 2013.
May his soul rest in peace.
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