Privacy and family rights are underpinned by your right to respect for your home, family and private life. In these modern and digital times, the lines are often blurred with how these rights transfer into the real world, especially with the increase in media, social media, press, cybercrimes, and other third parties. 

Here we’ll take a look at what privacy and family rights mean for us individuals as well as their importance and how to protect you and your family.

What are privacy and family rights? 

Article 8 of the Human Rights Act states that we have the right to be in private, free from interference and live the lifestyle that we choose. This includes our culture, religious preferences, sexual orientation and social and economic choices. It also encompasses how we look, the way we dress and the right to form relationships with others. 

Another part of this right includes how our personal information is held and used. Under this act, the media cannot interfere with our private lives and our information cannot be shared with others without consent. This right also covers digital breaches such as monitoring emails, hacking laptops and CCTV. 

Why privacy and family rights are fundamental

The right for individual and family privacy is important in society to protect social boundaries, prevent a family from being separated and to ensure we can all live our lives as we choose with no adverse consequences. Although there are exceptions, such as if there’s a public safety or health issue, or a national security reason, everyone should be allowed these fundamental rights. 

Withers worldwide enforce these rights and provide the right advice for protecting your privacy and family fundamental rights.

How to protect your privacy and your family’s rights

Now, more than ever, it’s vital to highlight the importance of protecting your rights to your family, especially children who are growing up in a fast-moving digital climate. With a large proportion of our lives now online, cybercrime is increasing by the day and it’s easier for criminals to take advantage of internet-users. 

To help protect against identity theft online, make sure you change passwords regularly and keep them private. Ensure your children know to be wary about opening links and downloading files and teach them how to identify safe and secure websites. 

With online bullying on the rise, it’s useful to know the signs, particularly with the pressure for young people to be a part of a whole array of social media sites. 

Although it’s difficult in our modern world to cover every aspect of digital data and privacy protection, being aware of and taking steps to mitigate such breeches will help you and your family continue to enjoy your fundamental rights.