Passive income in Asirtum
The staking is a more environmentally friendly and energy-efficient way of extracting cryptocurrencies, it completely replaces the maining and makes it possible to extract new blocks without using large computing power. You do not need to have the technical skills necessary to run and maintain the functionality of a computing machine. It provides the consensus needed to ensure network security. We have a competition between the owners of the assets of three large blockchain units with a minimum entry threshold. To start staking, you have to have free funds to buy tokens and be able to freeze them for a while on a special deposit smart contract. Great news for beginners and those who do not like to “load themselves” with complex technologies – for successful use of staking and receiving rewards, you do not need to understand all subtleties of work. The concept of receiving rewards only for storing a cryptocurrency seems attractive enough. By blocking the token you will receive percents day-to-day staking to your deposit in any network convenient for you. The value of an asset really matters. No one will argue with the fact that every dollar you make for storing coins without any extra movement is easy money, especially in the world of cryptocurrency. Usually during the year users earn several percent of their deposit. Asirtum offer is much more interesting, because we offer you to rely on us and get the same percentage just in a week! The steak awards are distributed to pool members in proportion to their share. Storage is decentralized, transparent and verified in any other blockchain browser.
The Asirtum token is the proof of ownership of the crypto active in the network. Asirtum mission is to enable the world to move out of the traditional financial system and build a cohesive community. Different networks offer many quality solutions, but most of them are only suitable for use within a one network without going beyond its network.Asirtum is a new tool created with decentralized smart contracts and not tied to a single network. Anyone can pledge Asirtum-backed coins as collateral to create a link in the registry. Through secured crypto assets, it has autonomous feedback mechanisms. You can unfreeze your cryptocurrency without any loss, while obtaining tokens of functionality. To get the asset back you need to send the transaction to any network convenient for you.The token bridge allows the tokens to be moved between the two networks. Thus, the user of the contract can move tokens to another network, gaining access to lower tariffs, a safer network, or, if necessary, other consensus models.The original tokens are blocked by a smart bridge contract on the original chain.The bridge publishes the event and the federation receives information about it, then sends it to the bridge in another chain. This opens doors for interoperability between the three largest blockchain networks. Another advantage of the token-bridge is the ability to hold the same token in multiple networks. To date, a major problem of blockchain is a lack of interaction. Once a developer builds its decentralized application on a particular platform, it is generally tied to that platform without being able to take advantage of any other blockchain.
For example, Ethereum has well documented scalability problems that are likely to be solved by many developers by now. If they switch to another, faster platform, they lose the benefits that Ethereum offers: a large community, a widely supported token standard, and the most popular platform for smart contracts.
When a token leaves one blockchain, it is burned or blocked and the equivalent token is minted on the opposite blockchain.
Conversely, when a token returns to its original network, the «double» token burns or is blocked.
Unlike the federal model, anyone can join the network as an agent, and agents are interested in ensuring that bridge transactions are properly verified.
We believe that with the current focus on scalability and compatibility, bridges will become an integral part of the blockchain landscape of the future.
Like any other token ever released, it is market-bound but less volatile and has a decentralized, autonomous incentive mechanism.
The tokens inside the supported networks are unrelated to their analogues on other blockchain networks.
Asirtum makes it possible to experiment with the blockchain in the same way that Ethereum developers has made it possible to experiment with Proof of Stake.
The Asirtum Functionality Rewards Token is designed to facilitate betting and delegation, especially when experimenting with new blockchain elements.
Given the many trade-offs, success will depend on how the various blockchains can interact and integrate. We believe that AFRT will become an integral part of the greatest ecosystem in the universe!