is a new online store that claims to sell cell phones and other devices. The site has been reported as a fraudulent site by some customers who have found it. There are also several people who are asking questions about this online store whether it is a fake or legitimate online store.

So in this review we will look at this online store that appears to be from India as they are charging rupees. To find out what is, whether it is a legitimate, fake or real or fraudulent scam or scam, we are going to look for signs of scam that we find on the site.

Scam signs

  1. Prices claims to be selling at huge price cuts. They are selling various types of smart mobile phones and also smart TVs, but the prices are too good or true and not realistic.
  2. Address
    You should also try to contact the site before you can buy from them and you will find that they are fake and they are providing false contact details.
  3. Age
    We look up the creation date of this online store using whois. In whois we found out that the site was created on July 31, 2020. That’s too new to trust, right?

Some people have already concluded that the site is a scam for the reasons they know best and that is why they have reported the site. We have also discovered that the parent is an untrustworthy online store that is looking for people’s money. If I were you, I wouldn’t really buy from the site to avoid getting scammed. If you’ve been scammed or have further questions about what is, please leave a comment below.