The JEE Main is a prestigious entrance examination given after high school in India. It provides admission to various engineering colleges across the country, and lakhs of students sit for this exam every year. From the year 2021, there will be a slight change in the exam pattern. Instead of all MCQ questions, there will be two sections in the JEE Mains. Section A will comprise 20 questions in the form of MCQ. Section B will consist of 10 questions of the numerical value type.
To practice the exam questions, you can try out mock tests available over the internet. You can even try out the previous year’s question papers that will be of much help to the aspiring candidates. Solving the previous year question paper helps you in many ways:
- Familiarity with the question
- Familiarity with the exam pattern
- Time management and accuracy
- Boosts confidence
Hence, solving the previous year’s question paper becomes crucial for any JEE aspirants. Most successful JEE candidates have said that they used to regularly solve mock tests and previous year JEE Main question papers.
How to download the JEE Main 2020 question paper?
You can download the previous year’s question papers from here by following these steps.
Step 1: Click on below link which will open in a new tab.
Step 2: Scroll down and get the required list of question papers uploaded by different coaching institutes.
Step 3: Choose the subject of your choice and click on it.
Step 4: Click on the download button when the PDF loads.
Step 5: Wait until the question paper with solutions downloads in your folder. Then you can access it.
Download JEE Main 2020 question papers PDF
Students sit for JEE Main after class 12, and it is the most preferred exam for PCM stream students. They need to practice enough before the examination through various mock tests and solving previous year question papers. You can dedicate time in the week to solve at least one question paper from any previous year. You can download the previous year’s question papers with solutions from the steps mentioned above. After downloading, open it in PDF form, set a timer, and start solving the questions. Make sure to focus on your speed and accuracy in solving questions. These are the important factors in passing JEE Mains.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Is it wise to solve the previous year’s JEE mains question papers?
Yes, it is an important step in your preparation that you solve the previous year’s question papers to understand the question pattern and type. You can even check the solutions if you are not able to solve that particular question.
What are the mode of JEE Mains 2021 and the question pattern?
The JEE Main 2021 will be conducted online through the computer-based test and will witness a change in the question pattern from the last time. Section A will have multiple-choice questions, and section B will have numerical value questions.
What are the benefits of solving previous year’s question papers?
The benefits of solving previous year question papers are familiarity with the question, familiarity with the exam pattern, time management and accuracy, and confidence in the aspirant.
Where can I download the JEE Mains 2020 question paper with solutions?
You can download the previous year’s question paper with solutions from here.
What subjects come in the JEE Mains exam?
JEE Mains exam consists of physics, chemistry, and mathematics questions divided into two sections. The physics section will also consist of experiment-related questions that are a part of the syllabus.