On our internet, the code we generate is directly related to our database management script. When the administrator looks at the layout of the table, it has a button at the bottom of the screen to code our data layer. When the user clicks on this button, the code immediately appears, and the user can click on any part of the code, select the code block and copy it to the clipboard.

The coding process is incredibly simple. We only get it from the programming database and show all the macros needed to convert the code into a template. These macros include the script name, the database table name, the main key fields, the public fields, the private fields, and the name of the created class. If you are looking for qr code generator website visit our site.

The code appears in the form of pre-formatted text on the screen. Below is a web form that can be adapted to the macro value created by the user. After changing these values, click the Submit button to generate the code using the special macro values. Of course, these steps are extra. The user can copy and paste all the program code and paste it into the code editor and continue to make such changes.

Table management

My Web site admin panel has several pages designed to manage my database tables. I have a very good library that takes all the burden of editing a page, creating new posts, editing posts and deleting entries through spreadsheets. This is an object-oriented class with several variables.

All I have to do is create this class, create all the necessary elements, and then call the method “work” to create a new administrative domain. As a result, the file usually does not exceed 25 lines. Creating these files manually does not take long. However, I knew that creating a code generator for this server script would save us a lot of time.

Again, the key to achieving this goal was to read the database schema of the first table to get all the concepts in the field. It would be easy to code from a script template using these definitions. For all the features that need to be replaced in the template, I only mention the macro. As I read the layout of the table, I create features that have become templates.

Special reservations

When creating code, keep in mind how to use the script. In my data access layer scripts, I know they are usually two directories under the web root. So, bottom line is that we’re really looking forward to it.

Another important aspect is the approval of the form. There are some restrictions that can be placed in the web form, and then the user can limit the number of characters entered in the text field. You can even display the fields as “yes” and “no” as radio buttons. Date boxes can be displayed by selecting a specific date.

Other specialized data fields may be specified based on the domain name. For example, fields with the word “password” may be specified as password fields. I use the “Created” and “Modified” fields to find out when the post changed. Areas that contain the text “Email” can be verified to have the correct email address. In addition, fields with a “ZIP code” can check the postal code.

I try to make my own code generator and then make it as smart as possible. The idea is that the extra code can be easily removed if you feel that the extra code has not been checked or spelled correctly. The sooner you can save more work for the builder, the better for you soon.