How To Make A Plan for Landscape Lighting

Although designing a low voltage landscape lighting system is not too difficult, there are a few considerations that must be made. These are the primary actions along with some advice to get you there.

Basic Layout

A landscape lighting system has four main parts:

  • Low Voltage Transformer: This is the system’s power supply. The best way to mount it is either directly to the building or on a stand next to the house.. The bottom of the low voltage transformer needs to be at least 12 inches from the ground. As an alternative, the transformer can be located inside the home, perhaps in the garage or basement. However, extra codes apply if you’re running wires through the wall, so you’ll need an electrician. For DIY projects, outside installation works best.
  • Fixtures: These are the lights. The transformer provides them with electricity. Every fixture contains a light source, which might be an interchangeable lamp or an embedded LED. The light source could be an LED bulb or an older style of incandescent (often halogen). We’ll discuss the importance of the voltage delivered to the fixtures in greater detail later.
  • Wire: This cable powers the fixtures by connecting to the transformer. The size of the wire’s conductors determines its rating. We’ll go into more detail about selecting the appropriate size wire below.
  • Wire Connections: This cable powers the fixtures by connecting to the transformer. The size of the wire’s conductors determines its rating. We’ll go into more detail about selecting the appropriate size wire below.


  1. Start a Sketch: The majority of landscape lighting designers start by outlining each fixture’s location on a drawing of the property. Use a different sheet of paper for each lighting region (zone) on larger properties. Since you’ll be estimating wire lengths using the sketch, try to be as precise as possible. While strolling about the site, make sketches on blank or graph paper using a clipboard.
  2. Set the Transformer Location: Usually, the low voltage transformer should be placed next to the house, behind a garden bed, or close to air conditioning units. It ought to be near the fixtures. Using many transformers makes sense at times, particularly for homes with big areas. Make a different plan for every transformer you use if you utilize more than one. Put locations of transformers on your sketch.
  3. Set Fixture Locations: Mark the locations of fixtures in the landscape with pencils or tiny flags before installing them. Sketch out these locations and make a note of the kinds of fixtures at each. Determine the approximate distances between the fixtures and the transformer as well as the fixtures themselves.
  • Determine Wire Runs: Consider the best way to power the fixtures. There are numerous options for wiring techniques. We reduce the overall amount of wire by employing one of the following techniques rather than running a single wire from each fixture to the transformer (which would waste a lot of wire):
  • Daisy Chain: Connects every fixture together like a bunch of daisies. The transformer is connected to the first fixture. This method’s drawback is that the voltage drops with distance. Halogen lights might have problems with this power decrease, but LED lights can tolerate it. When fixtures are not grouped near together, use this strategy.
  • T-Method: Similar to a daisy chain, with the exception that the transformer is connected to a fixture in the middle. The quantity of wire needed is reduced with this procedure. To save wire, use it when connecting the transformer from the middle of the chain.
  • Hub Method: Sends every wire to a hub junction, from where every fixture is reached by a single wire. All fixtures will have equal voltage thanks to this technique. When fittings are arranged tightly together, use it.
  • Combination Method: Combines the other techniques to minimize splices, conserve wire, and facilitate installs. When you want to combine any of the aforementioned strategies, utilize this one.

These steps are practiced by one of the best landscape lighting installation company in Los Angeles.

Tips for Installation and Results

  • Define Your Goals: Landscape lighting may enhance your property’s economy, safety, security, and aesthetics..
  • Lower Loads per Run for Lower Voltage Drop: To avoid voltage loss in large systems, divide your setup into several cable runs.
  • Break Your Layout into Distance Zones: Assemble fixtures according to their separation from the transformer to sustain comparable voltage dips..
  • Calculate Cable Gauge and Length: For longer runs, use thicker wire to avoid voltage drop. Determine the required cable gauge and length by calculating the wattage and distance.

Select the Proper Transformer: Select a transformer whose wattage is more than the amount of power you use, then multiply it by 80% to create a buffer. Use the next size up if you surpass the transformer’s capacity.