Are you aware of the truthfulness of sites that ask for donations? Let us provide you with some clues to an identical website.

The ongoing conflict in the region between Russia as well as Ukraine has a variety of negative effects on the two countries as well as other nations such as those of the United States. Numerous websites have started charity programs to help repair damages.

Additionally, this morning, we ran into a site that claims to collect money to Ukraine. So, after researching Helpua Com and finding it being sold. However, we discovered an alternate site,, and thus we’ll discuss it later in this article.

Inscribing The Website

As per the site, this initiative was initiated in 2014 by the Emmanuel Association, which provides the necessary requirements of Ukrainian individuals. In addition, following the dire conditions in Ukraine due to the military’s restrictions, the project was launched.

The program primarily targets infants and people who live in the surrounding areas within Eastern Ukraine. Let’s jump into the next paragraph to find out more information about it.

What is this Portal similar to Helpua com Functions?

The program follows the guidelines of Emmanuel to ensure that it provides best facilities to the most in need. Furthermore, collects capital or essential accessories from individuals through partnerships with funding institutions. So, on we saw that they invite people to join and to contribute according to their own schedule.

For that war the initiative is aimed at gaining 10000 dollars however, it is now limited to 100$ as of now. Let’s look at some of the goals of this project below.

Principal Missions

  • The company aims to provide nutritious meals for those who have lost their family members.
  • The suggestions to Helpua Com stated that it assists people to rebuild their homes.
  • To keep children entertained They organize a variety of events during the Christmas and Easter days, and other holidays.
  • The project provides medical aid for the poor during wars.
  • It also provides clothes, shoes and other items. for the people in the area affected and dolls for kids.

Website’s Real Indicators

The tips below can help you gain adequate knowledge of the portal and help you determine the truth.

  • Portal’s Date of Creation11-05-2004 is its day of registration, meaning that it’s 17 years nine months, and 23 days old.
  • Alexa Rank– According to Helpua’sdata 6,695,976 is the website’s Alexa Rank.
  • trust rankAfter a thorough investigation this site, there is no value for this site.
  • Website Termination DateThe site will be frozen on the 11th of May 2023.
  • Viewpoint of the Customer ViewpointWe have collected none Trustpilot reviews. The Facebook page also was not a place for public comment. But, the hyperlink to users on Facebook to the donation page isn’t working.
  • trust score 61 percent is the trust score.

the Bottom Line

In the document the same website as Helpua the com, i.e., is mentioned that was created to collect funds for poor Ukrainians. On the site, it is noted it is mentioned that Emmanuel Association operates this project.

The purpose of the website is stated in the article. But, we recommend that you research the site thoroughly before you make a donation to them, as scams are also occurring.