Are you familiar with the words beginning with CHU If you aren’t, we’ve got your back! Being able to win word games will make you feel proud. These games are quite popular in the United States.

This article contains all the five letter words that begin with Chu. It will give you a list and the meanings of each word. Learn new words and enjoy reading.

Words Starting From CHU

  • Chuck- To pinch or pat gently, mainly under your chin.


  • To throw or toss. Example: He tossed some stones into the lake.
  • Informally, To throw out.
  • Example: She tossed her old clothes
  • A hard slab of wood, bread or other material can be broken up.
  • Example: He ordered chunks meat for his party-goers
  • These 5 Words Starting With Chu will help you add more useful words to your vocabulary.
  • A Churn- Is a container or tool that allows lotion or milk to be mixed in order to insulate the oily molecules from the more serious/serious parts of making butter.


  • a. To stir (cream/milk) to make butter.
  • b. To create by the stirring of cream or dairy milk
  • Chump- An invulnerable person or victim.
  • Blockhead or stupid?
  • Chuff- To create or shift using loud puffing and explosive sounds
  • Churl-
  • A rude, uncivilized person.
  • A despicable person.

HTML1 _____ Chu

  • Chute- A funnel, channel, or inclined trench where items may pass.
  • A narrow corridor that’s mostly fenced for cattle or steeds.
  • An oval track expansion that is linear in its angle. It is used to begin specific long races. The final line can then be kept straightaway at the clubhouse.
  • Churr- An insect or bird that makes a loud, trilling/whirring sound.
  • Chufa- A sedge, sometimes used for its edible tubers. It can also be called a nut.

Additional Terms That Start with Chu

  • Chugs – A faint, loud sound produced by the motor.
  • To make dull, erratic volumes.
  • To travel while making monotonous and explosive noises.
  • Chubs- 1. Any one of many normally heavy body parts
  • Freshwater fishes.
  • Chums is an intimate friend that supports his pals during their recreations
  • A trap containing fish oil or chopped fish that is tossed overboard in order to lure fishes
  • A large Pacific fish with tiny spots on the tail.

Final Verdict

These are the five letters that start with Chu. They have been thoroughly researched and covered in this article. Word games that end with particular characters can cause you trouble. They will make you stand out from others.

Do you regularly learn new words? Do you find new words every day? Let us know.

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