Whether you have been diagnosed with acid reflux recently, or else have been living with acid reflux for a long time now, it can sometimes be somewhat conflicting when it comes to researching treatments. 

With this in mind, continue reading to learn how to deal with a diagnosis of acid reflux and tips and tricks to cope with acid reflux more successfully. 

What Actually Is Acid Reflux?

Acid reflux is connected directly with the feeling of heartburn; the latter is a harsh and often painful burning sensation in the upper chest which is caused by acid from the stomach travelling up through to the throat (acid reflux). 

The primary symptoms and signs of acid reflux include, but are not exclusively limited to, the following:

  • Bad breath
  • Nausea
  • Bloating
  • Hiccups
  • Persistent Cough
  • Sour taste in the mouth
  • Heartburn

Causes Of Acid Reflux

Often, a doctor will give a diagnosis of acid reflux without a clear indication of the initial cause and it is sometimes up to you, working together with your doctor, to ascertain the root cause of the problem.

However, there are certainly some common causes of acid reflux, which include:

  • Anxiety and stress
  • Being overweight or obesity
  • Smoking
  • Drinking
  • Pregnancy
  • Hernia
  • Coffee
  • Spicy or fatty foods

Top Treatments For Acid Reflux

Primarily, if you are dealing with severe and quite frequent bouts of acid reflux, then medication may well be the best option for you moving forward. 

When you purchase acid reflux medication from a reputable and renowned online pharmacist, such as chemistclick.co.uk, the professionals will help you ascertain the best medication for you and will deliver it directly to your door. 

If you are looking for a more natural way to deal with and treat your acid reflux, then there are a number of treatment options available:

Ban Fizzy Drinks

One of the easiest yet most powerful ways to immediately reduce the severity of the burning sensation from heartburn and acid reflux is to entirely ban fizzy drinks from your diet. Even one can could stimulate your stomach acid to rise back up towards your throat, so it is best to entirely avoid them from this point onwards. 

Standing Up

This may seem quite a simple strategy, but studies have proven time and time again that standing up after consuming a large meal rather than relaxing and sprawling on the sofa may well keep the acid in the stomach where it should be. 

Avoiding Certain Foods

In days gone by, it was widely understood that people who suffered with acid reflux should entirely avoid any food apart from incredibly bland and plain items. 

However, now it has been proven that there are only certain foods and drinks that one should ban if acid reflux has been diagnosed, including coffee, chocolate, alcohol, onions, garlic, tomatoes, mint, fatty foods and spicy foods. 


In the same way that sleep is incredibly important for a whole host of health-related reasons, it is important for people who experience regular bouts of acid reflux to entirely avoid going to sleep immediately after a heavy meal.