How many of us must have skin problems or other health-related issues? This article is essential reading for anyone looking for a safe, natural treatment for their skin.
Our latest treatment is a massage that increases blood circulation and addresses health concerns.
The new fangle technique, also known as Cuelagua Sha in China, is now very popular in America.
What is Gua Sha,
Gua Sha refers to a method or therapy that involves the removal of skin from the face and the healing of health issues. A massage tool is used to make small or long strokes that stimulate blood circulation.
This practice will help to increase the static energy that can cause numerous problems for your skin. The procedure can be used on the neck, face, arms, legs and legs. It is simple science: rub the skin with oil and then gently stroke the part to release the energy.
The Cuela Gua Shatool decreases inflammation and speeds up skin healing in a natural manner.
Benefits from Gua Sha
The therapy is very beneficial when used for chronic conditions. This therapy has been beneficial to many people. Some examples are listed below.
- It can be used on the face to improve the skin texture and make it smoother.
- This stone has been a miracle worker for cervical pain relief and has helped to reduce the pain slowly.
- This stone can be trusted to ease migraine pain.
- Many women who have suffered from breast engorgement have made positive changes in their lives.
Cuela Gua Sha
Rubbing a flat or jade rose on the affected area gently rebuilds it in its former form. There are side effects to using this tool.
- Brising of the skin from the bursting of blood vessels.
- Harsh pressure applied to the stone can cause discomfort and pain.
- Patients who have recently had surgery can’t use it.
- Sometimes the untrained, inexperienced technician can cause more pain and bruising to the body.
- The practitioners should be consulted if someone is taking any medication or using blood thinners.
These are side effects of Cuela Gea Sha that should be taken into consideration.
Closing Thoughts
Modern scraping has been a trend in correcting health issues, particularly around the face. According to our research, this procedure has proven to be very beneficial for many people. But it should only be attempted with extreme care. However, we ask for approval at their level before proceeding.
Which natural therapy would you choose and why? Have you tried Cuela Gua Cha? Let us know what you think in the comments below. We also want to emphasize that this therapy is based on information gleaned from the internet and sources. We are not the subject’s authority.