Thanksgiving is a festival which is a national holiday in the United States, Grenada, Saint Lucia, Canada and Liberia that is observed on various days. It all started with a day of Thanksgiving and sacrifice for the blessings of the harvest and the previous year.

In the United States the Friday following Thanksgiving day is known as Black Friday. On Black Friday, many retailers offer heavily advertised bargains and openings are early or late on Thanksgiving day. Since at least 2005, Black Friday has been the busiest shopping day of the year in the United States.

Both of these festivals have a huge importance in the United States and brands take a good advantage for selling their product and services with the newest ways of marketing.

One such way of marketing is through conversation media.

Conversation media allow social media users to share information using web-based tools that led them to create, post and share text photos, audio and videos with the help of utilization of various interactive features that are emojis, gifs, avatars and stickers. The blogging software, photo and presentation sharing software and audio/video sides are all examples of conversation media.

Conversation media is a great source of marketing of products and services in a very interactive way for the consumers to engage with the product and end up buying them.  It is a very cool way that directly interacts with the audience with blogging and other ways by using emoji, stickers and gifs.

Top brands can interact with the customers using conversation media during Thanksgiving and Black Friday in a very creative manner. They can choose blogging as a great source along with the audio and video. Indulging conversation media can prove to be very fruitful for the brands and many such brands have already done it in the past.

They can come up with unique ideas such as creation of avatars in a way that is themed as Thanksgiving and Black Friday. These brands can create stickers and gifts that are related to Thanksgiving Turkey or black friday customs and traditions that are followed in various countries.

Let’s see how brands can connect with customers on Thanksgiving and black friday with the help of various cool tools of conversation media.


With the help of emojis it might seem impossible to market your products and services but it is definitely not how it seems like. There are various emotions that are directly linked to Black Friday and Thanksgiving and those emotions can be utilized by writing special messages for the customers or even articles for them to directly relate to it. When the customers will directly notice emojis related to Black Friday and Thanksgiving they will notice your messages or blogs.


GIFs are a very creative way of marketing of products and services and many brands use gifs a lot these days. You can create personalized Thanksgiving and Black Friday cards for your customers with a brand logo of yours so that they can notice it directly while sharing those personalized festival cards to their friends and family and other close ones. Other than the personalized festival cards you can also create cartoon characters who are enjoying Turkey during the time of Thanksgiving. With the help of gifts for black friday you can also create discount coupons for your customers to send them directly to other friends as well. Once they see that they have a discount, they will definitely share it with their close ones.


The use of stickers is getting more and more popular these days. People of this generation and old generation are using stickers more than emojis. Whenever they want to express their emotions the first thing that comes into their mind is the stickers. Stickers are a great way to market your products and in front of the customers. You can design your own stickers and keep your brand logo down below so that people who are sharing your stickers also notice your brand name as well. Thus, you can create stickers related to Thanksgiving and Black Friday for people to notice your brand and know about your products and services.


Another great way of producing quality content in a purpose to market your products and services in front of the target audience is the avatars. You can create various Avatar who are enjoying Turkey during Thanksgiving and enjoying heavily discounted shopping during the time of Black Friday and in this way you can market your own products and services and let people know that you are giving a huge sale of products in your brand as well. This way will definitely attract your customers to buy some products from you.

These were some of the amazing and most creative ways through which brands can utilize the excellent conversation media in order to market their own products and services in front of the customers in a most interactive way. Once you start engaging with your customers they love to shop from your brand and recommend it to others as well. Conversation media plays a huge role in making this dream come true for your brands.