Extrasav has you ever shopped? This shop is located in the United States and many people wish to purchase from it. Is it safe to purchase from Extrasav This question can only be answered by this Extrasav Review. This post will address the most important issues regarding Extrasav’s legitimacy. Keep checking back to learn more about this site.

Extrasav Shop

Extrasav, an e-commerce portal, allows buyers to search for products related to cars and home interior design, as well as stationery such a magic pen. These products are all available at a discount rate so shoppers don’t have to worry about their budget. There are many products available. Take a look at the following list to learn more about their products:

  • Printed Moon Lamp
  • Scratch Removal Spray
  • Water Painting Magical Pen
  • Roller-ball cleaner
  • Car Phone Stand

Is Extrasav Legit? Although the website is popular and contains all the required items, we can’t say if it is legitimate or fraudulent until we know more about its legitimacy. There are many questions and debates about Extrasav. We have provided all details to help our readers. These details are available for buyers looking for them.

Extrasav Shop

  • Buy a car phone stand from https://extrasav.com/.
  • Email Id: [email protected]
  • Telephone number: 442392160686
  • Address: Lowry Mill 2nd Floor Swinton M276DB, Lees Street Pendlebury.
  • No Extrasav Review has been posted on any online review platforms. The products also don’t have ratings from customers.
  • Shipping policy: Processing time is between 4-7 business days. Delivery takes between 15 and 30 days.
  • Return policy: If you are not satisfied with the product, you can return it within 14 days.
  • PayPal Payment Options

Positive Points

  • All orders above $50 qualify for free shipping
  • You can email, locate, or call us at any time.
  • The domain protects data via HTTPS

Negative points

  • Online and official websites do not have reviews.
  • One mode of payment is possible.
  • Social media accessibility is not visible on any platform.
  • The email address is not compatible with the domain name.

Is Extrasav Legit?

To be considered a legitimate website, a website must follow certain legal guidelines. These factors are: These factors, such as trust score, registration date and policies, are important in determining whether a shop is legitimate. See the following:

  • Website Registration Day: July 1, 20,22 is the registration date for the Extrasav Shop. It was created only twenty days ago.
  • Registrar Additionalsav is registered through GoDaddy.com LLC
  • Trust Score The shop has a trust score of only two percent. The website is not recommended for trust.
  • Buyers Feedback Our team hasn’t found Extrasav Review for any product online or on an official website. This site seems to be suspect.
  • Social Media The shop is not available on any social media site. This website is suspicious and not popular.
  • Data security This domain, Extrasav enables data security via the HTTPS protocol.
  • Missing Information All details about the contact details are now available. The email address is not correct and the owner’s details are missing.
  • Expiry date: June 30, 2023 is the expiry date for the Extrasav ship
  • Policies All policies can be found on the portal. Buyers can view their shipping and return policies in their layout.

Extrasav Reviews

Our team could not find any information about product reviews. No online review site shares product reviews. Social media pages are not available on any social network site. If the website is legitimate, reviews are crucial. Zero reviews make buyers suspicious. As online frauds are increasing rapidly, it would be a good idea to think twice before you make a payment. Keep in mind the information you share with these websites. Always verify policies to protect your bank account against Credit Card Scamming.

Final Summary

This post on Additionalsav Review summarizes the fact that the website was registered just twenty days ago. Only two percent of the trust score is available. We should be cautious when sharing information with website owners. This website appears to be a fraud. You should investigate the methods to obtain returns via PayPal Scamming.

What are your thoughts about this website? Comment below with your thoughts in the comments section.