The word ‘essay’ has been procured from a Latin word ‘exagium’ that translates into presenting one’s case. Essays can be formal such as an academic essay that is focused on an idea or argument and utilizes evidence, interpretation, and analysis. At the same time, it could also be information that is centered on a more personal level and often includes humorous elements in it. However, the purpose of an essay remains the same that is to inform or persuade through writing. Therefore, when you write an essay, you are offering one’s side of an argument, experiences, analyses, or making a particular point of view.
Types of Essays
Essays are often categorized into four basic types; argumentative papers, expository essays, narrative essays, and descriptive essays. The expository and argumentative essays are focused on delivering information while making clear points by forming an opinion or building the case based on particular pieces of evidence. On the other hand, the narrative and descriptive essays follow a creative way of writing in describing a particular thing or forming a story using emotive, descriptive language. The essays best suited at the university level are the argumentative essays that require a particular position or perspective on a topic.
How should I write my essays?
Well, if you are wondering on how I should write my essays before the deadline fast approaches, then the rule is simple! You are required to keep in mind the three main stages that go into the writing process; the first is the preparation in which you decide your topic, the title, create an outline on how you will carry out the fundamental research for the essay. The next stage is the writing stage, that is to formulate and adjust an argument in the introductory section while developing evidence in the main body in order to support or deny the statement, and summoning all up in the final paragraph, that is the conclusion. The introductory section should maneuver from general to a specific idea. You start your discussion by introducing the topic where it stands in the academic world through a general and short orientation. Applying the top-down approach you then define your specific topic with respect to providing a summary of your essay, keeping it concise and describing all the main ideas. The main body of your essay consists of paragraphs, the best option is to divide them into small paras to handle your research well. This is where you construct your argument, develop a discussion, introduce the literature you studied, give pieces of evidence, and provide relevant examples and quotes. The concluding section then moves back from specific to general. It should rephrase your answers to the questions, re-summaries the points, and include a final statement giving directions to the researchers conducted in the future, possible implications, as well as the limitations of your essay. The third and most crucial stage is the revision stage. It would help in rechecking the content that is there correcting any grammatical or spelling mistakes, and you can also determine the formatting of your essay before the final submission.