It is not difficult to overlook your health while you are working. Missing your meals is all too common when deadlines are looming over your head and you are rushing from one meeting to another. So, often health is put on hold. Munching on sugar-filled and preservatives-loaded snacks looks too easy. And, in no time, working meals become a habit. You will argue at length about how difficult it is to manage your health, take out time from a busy schedule, or have some rest.

Ironically we don’t realize that it is because of health we can work that much and fulfill our goals. How can we forget that the adage “Health is wealth” still holds true even in the twenty-first century? If you are not healthy, taking care of your kids, family, and work is impossible. Being lethargic all the time can impact your productivity and impinge on your performance.

Even if you have the excuse of “not having enough time” ready to slip out of your tongue whenever someone talks about staying healthy, there is still no way out of this. So, better develop a routine that prioritizes taking care of your health. Here are a few tips for professionals for keeping yourself healthy.

  1. Protect yourself from workplace hazards

When you are working, the most important thing is protecting yourself against hazards present in the workplace. Whether you are working in the chemical industry, construction industry, or healthcare, ensuring industrial hygiene goes without saying. It implies saving yourself from chemical fumes and vapors, bacteria and viruses, heat and radiation, and fibers and aerosols. Your neglect can cause a lot of damage, often accompanying lasting injury to your health. Therefore, makes sure to use proper garments and protective equipment when working at hazardous sites. If you are exposed to any radiation or contamination, for that matter, consult an expert immediately. Many medical conditions such as asthma, renal issues, and even severe diseases like cancer occur due to your neglect at the worksite.

  1. Don’t skip your breakfast

Skipping your breakfast is the first thing in the morning by which you set the wrong foot out. Having a healthy breakfast must be a cardinal rule of your life. A satisfying breakfast is the power boost that keeps you going making you start your day with full zeal. It will also help you resist sugar cravings or caffeine fixes. When it comes to a healthy breakfast, you can consider various options: a protein-rich omelet, a bowl of porridge, or go with a smoothie or a yogurt pot.

  1. Be sensible in your food choices

The plan does not end with eating a healthy breakfast only; you have to follow the same strategy throughout the day. A healthy breakfast will add little to maintain your health if you munch on sugar bars and eat the calories-loaded treats while you are working. While you may not realize what you are eating as your focus is on work, your body knows all that goes inside.

Be smart about your food choices, practice self-restraint, and think before stretching out your hand to grab a chicken sandwich from a street vendor. You might not be able to completely cut out junk from your diet because, let’s accept that, it is delicious and convenient! Try to limit its intake.

After having a healthy breakfast in the morning, pay attention to what you eat at lunch. Avoid greasy food; add salad and fruits to your diet. Don’t eat your lunch at your desk. The more time you spend on your desk, the more you will want to have a quick lunch that does not require much effort. Leave your desk, have lunch with your peers, and talk about anything other than work.

  1. Drink plenty of water

You might have heard about it, but it is still more important than the number of times you found people giving you this advice. Water is absolutely essential for your health and wellbeing. Neglecting your water intake is quite easy when you are working. Leaving your seat during work and grabbing a glass of water seems like an interruption. The easiest way is to keep a potable bottle of water with you all the time and avoid the hassle of going to the dispenser every time you need water.

Drinking enough water will keep you hydrated and active throughout the day. Dehydration can be detrimental to your health; it can impact your concentration span and cause sluggishness and drowsiness. Chapped lips, dry patches on the skin are some of the signs of low water intake. As a rule of thumb, you must drink seven to eight glasses of water every day. However, you can increase the intake depending on the climate in your region and your physical activity. Adding fresh juices to your diet can also make up for water intake, though plain water is recommended more. Moreover, eating fruits high in water content can beat hunger pangs and dehydration.

  1. Bring homemade lunch

There is no alternative to homemade food. It is clean and more hygienic, and prepared to fulfill your dietary needs. When you bring a homemade lunch, you can make healthier choices. For instance, make a combo of raw veggies, fruits, main course, and healthy snacks. Even if you are binging on salads these days, you can prepare them the night before and avoid rushing in the morning.

You can add chickpeas, red beans to make up for healthy carbs and protein and fruits for essential vitamins. If you lack any homemade lunch ideas, take the help of online sources and get ideas to develop your meals. However, pack a meal that you are excited about; there is no point in making a lunch box that you don’t look forward to eating.

  1. Maintain a good posture

When you are immersed in work, you often neglect how you are sitting. Often the shoulders are slouched, and the back is bent. Over time, this posture can cause chronic back pain. Maintaining a good posture throughout the day demands conscious effort. When working in front of a screen, it is too common to get drawn into it, moving your neck out. This can put undue stress on the base of your neck and shoulder. This is the reason many professionals complain about neck and shoulder pain. You can avoid this by doing desk exercises such as stretching your arms, moving your neck in the clockwise and anticlockwise directions, etc.


Taking care of your health should be your priority, even during work. You cannot concentrate on your work by neglecting your health. Developing healthy habits is the only way forward. It means taking proper meals, avoiding sugary and fatty snacks, and adding physical activity to your work routine. The better you balance your work and life, the more effective you can be at work.