You have heard the name, the different variations, the devastation it can cause and how severe it is, and how contagious it can be. Covid19, now officially SARS-CoV-2 (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2), is a deadly infection caused by an acute virus that can wreak havoc on your immune system.

SARS-CoV-2 comes from a family of coronaviruses, specifically SARS-CoV (responsible for another outbreak in 2002). It’s similar to other viruses because of its durability and longevity on almost any material surface. But what makes it more deadly is that it is highly contagious, more easily transmitted, and can cause death in people with illnesses (minor or major).

As of now, it is responsible for the death of millions of people across the globe. One of the ways it can be transmitted is that you touch your face after coming in contact with a surface that has the virus on it. It is pertinent to mention that the deadly virus attacks people of all ages, be it a child, women, or the elderly. In addition, people who have pre-existing medical conditions are at a much higher risk of getting the covid infection. Recently, public schools were hit hard and were shut down, with many people asking the question, how is covid 19 affecting high school students, given how active young people are. It is quite true that mostly the virus affects the elderly and people with medical conditions; however, it has also taken the lives of young boys and girls. So, that’s why it is important to protect ourselves from this deadly virus.

Here are a few steps everyone should follow to protect themselves from coronavirus:

  1. Cleanliness: If you weren’t particularly mindful of your hygiene before, now is a good time to get started. Wash your hands regularly with soap (recommended time is at least 20 secs). Wash your hands throughout the day; wash them before eating anything, before/after meeting someone, and in the workplace.
  2. Get Vaccinated: Vaccines are NOT dangerous. They can save lives and build virus immunity, so don’t slack off on this and get yourself and your loved ones vaccinated today to increase your chances of immunization. 
  3. Avoid Physical Contact: Avoid hugging and shaking hands. It is best to avoid physical contact and maintain your own safety sphere.
  4. Sharing is NOT Caring: While it’s good to be considerate and share your belongings with others, however, because of covid 19, sharing your items with others can be detrimental to your health. So avoid sharing items that you use extensively and are not going to be able to clean, such as your phone or makeup palette.
  5. DAB When You Sneeze: A lot of people still sneeze without covering it. This is extremely dangerous as SARS-CoV-2 can spread through the air as well. So be extra careful when you are around people who might be sick and get in the habit of dabbing when you are about to sneeze (cover your entire mouth and nose with your elbow).
  6. Social Distancing is the Name of the Game: People have not taken this virus as seriously as they should have. They have continued to gather in groups and do concerts, raves, and other festivities. However, this is only going to delay the outcome. Be responsible and act as a role model for others by social distancing. If work-from-home is an option given to you, avail it. It is hard staying at home all the time, but it is a really small price to pay compared to the alternative.
  7. Regularly Disinfect Surfaces: Along with maintaining a social distance to minimize surface contact, make sure that you are routinely cleaning material surfaces with a disinfecting agent to reduce the risk of the virus sticking around in your home.
  8. Avoid Raves, Parties, or Other Group Functions: Human beings are social animals and need human interaction to enjoy life to its fullest. That means we gather at parties, festivities, and other social functions (like marriages) throughout the year. But, it is important that you avoid group gatherings as much as possible and only attend functions where vaccinated people are allowed to enter.
  9. Avoid Dining Out: Most restaurants have started to open themselves back to the public, but there is still a huge risk factor involved, especially with different variants of the virus present. So avoid dining out to protect yourself against possible infection.
  10. Mask Up: The importance of wearing a mask cannot be overstated. Although it does not guarantee a 100% protection rate against the virus particles, it does greatly reduce the risk, especially when incorporated with other preventive measures. Plus, you can add it to your wardrobe as a styling accessory.
  11. When in Doubt…Self Quarantine: If you doubt or suspect that you might have contracted an infection, quarantine yourself immediately (for at least 14 days). It is to make sure you and your family members are safe and sound. You will have to eat and sleep in a separate room with a controlled environment and monitor your condition regularly. If your condition starts to deteriorate, ask to be immediately transferred to a nearby hospital.

Final Thoughts

SARS-CoV-2 is different from other viruses because it is highly contagious and very deadly. Even if you are not displaying any symptoms, you could still be a carrier and, as such, can transmit the virus even before you get sick. Furthermore, it has a longer incubation period (2 to 14 days), making it difficult to spot ahead of time. It travels through the body faster and causes severe illness even in healthy people. On the other hand, people with preexisting medical conditions are more likely to have said condition exacerbated.

And last but not least, the recovery period is also longer compared to previous viruses. So, using the steps mentioned above as a preventive measure is more desirable than contracting the virus and suffering through it. Do your part as a responsible citizen and keep the people around you safe.